I feel highly privileged to extend welcome note to you, as Sr.Consultant on www.numeropath.com. In mid seventies, while post graduating in English Literature, I evinced a great interest in Study of Numbers, though, at that time, I had just casually studied Cheiro's Book of Numbers. But by and by, I dived deep in vast ocean of knowledge of Numbers. Study of numbers and numerical value of alphabets of name and corresponding planetary vibration and the curative power of Numbers became a fascination for me.
I laid firm steps on Path of Numbers in 1989 and never halted till date and I know, this journey on NUMEROPATH will continue along with journey of life, by Grace of God. I am rendering my services in NUMEROLOGY & NAMEOLOGY on global level and feedback from my clients is always motivational for me. I also extend my heartiest gratitude to all the reputed TV channels, Bollywood, News portals and Print media, Corporate Sector and Educational Institutes for constantly providing me space. From cores of my heart, my thanks and Blessings for my Dear Daughter ANKUR.C.PODDAR for constantly rendering consultation services as numerologist on this site. Support of my family is a boon for me. I Pray to Almighty to be my guiding star always on NUMEROPATH !