Health Issues of Persons Born Under Number One to Nine
Number 1,10,19,28 persons have tendency to suffer from the heart in some form or the other, such as palpitation, irregular circulation n in advanced life high blood pressure, likely to have trouble with eyes.
The months to be most guarded against ill health are October, December and January.
Number 2,11,20,29 persons have a tendency to suffer with stomach and digestive organs.
The three months to be most guarded against ill health n overwork are January, February n July.
Number 3,12,21,30 persons have a tendency to suffer from overstrain of d nervous system, are inclined to have attacks of neuritis sciatica, also many forms of skin troubles.
The months to be most guarded against ill health are February, June and September.
Number 4,13,22,31 persons have likelihood of suffering from mysterious ailments, difficult of ordinary diagnosis. They are more or less inclined to melancholia, anemia, headache and backache.
The months to be most guarded against ill health n overwork are January, February, July, August and September.
Number 5, 14, 23 persons have a tendency to overstrain of d nervous system. They are likely to bring on such things as neuritis n insomnia.
Months to be most guarded against ill health are June, September and December.
Number 6,15, 24 persons are likely to suffer with the throat, nose n upper parts of lungs. Women born under number six often suffer with their breasts.
The months to be most guarded against ill health are May, October and November.
Number 7,16, 25 persons are easily affected by worry n annoyance n get easily despondent n melancholy. They have peculiar delicacy in connection with the skin, extremely sensitive to friction.
Months to be most guarded against ill health are January, February, July and August
Number 8,17, 26 persons are liable to trouble with the liver, intestines, prone to suffer with headaches n rheumatism. They should avoid animal food as much as possible.
Months to be most guarded against ill health are December, January, February and July.
Number 9,18,27 persons are inclined to fever of all kinds, measles, chicken pox. Should avoid rich food, alcoholic drinks or wines.
Months to be most guarded against ill health are April May, October and November.
Rajni Chhabra
C.E.O. &Founder